Sym Documentation


Quick Start

   File Menu
      Save As
   Tabs Menu
   Transform Tabs Menu
   Commands Menu


Basic info
The main workspace is where you type equations so you can solve and rearrange them. Algebraic laws can be saved in the transform tabs. Many functions allow you to perform the function upon part of an equation that you have selected. Drag your mouse over a part of an equation, then perform the function.

Sym uses c# notation to define mathematical equations, multiplication is symbolized by the '*' sign, etc. The notation is similar to the notation used by many computer programming languages. You have to use a multiplication sign everywhere there is a multiplication. If you are not familiar with the notation used by common computer programming languages to write mathematical expressions, you can Google C# for further information.

Quick Start
Start the Sym application. Type an equation that has all numbers and no variable into the large text area. Click the Evaluate button while the cursor is on the same line as the equation. You should see the answer.

Type an equation that has variables in it into the large text area. Ensure that one variable, x, is on the right hand side and that there is only one x. Click the Isolate button while the cursor is on the same line as the equation. You should see the answer.

File Menu
This menu contains commands that allow you to save and retrieve you work to disk, start anew, and quit.

Deletes your current work and starts over.

Opens a Sym file from disk.

Saves your current work to disk and starts.

Save As
Saves your current work to disk with a new file name.

Closes Sym.

Tabs Menu
Creates, deletes, and renames the main text box tabs.

New Tab
Creates a new workspace.

Delete Tab
Deletes the active workspace.

Rename Tab
Renames the active workspace.

Transform Tabs Menu
Creates, deletes, and renames the transform text box tabs.

New Tab
Creates a new transform tab.

Delete Tab
Deletes the active transform tab.

Rename Tab
Renames the active transform tab.

Miscellaneous functions.

Use this to test sym and any new transforms you might want to test.

Help and About.

Documentation for the sym application.

Information about the sym application.

This is the toolbar containing buttons near the top of Sym.

Evaluates an equation containing numbers to a number.

Transforms an equation, or part of an equation, using the transform in the 'Active Transform' box. You can double-click a transform to select it and move it into the active transforms box. This
algebraic transformations page describes the functionality of the transform function in more detail. The transform function is the centerpiece of Sym.

Isolates a single variable.

Searches for a string to replace and replaces it in all locations. You define both the string to replace, and the replacement.